kathleenjohn: Hardwood floors, covered by ugly peel-n-stick vinyl
kathleenjohn: Basement safe
kathleenjohn: Inside basement safe
kathleenjohn: Basement safe
kathleenjohn: Basement safe
kathleenjohn: CIMG1634
kathleenjohn: CIMG1633
kathleenjohn: Pig, before and after
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Snow Days
kathleenjohn: Gizmo, mid-air
kathleenjohn: My snowblower arrives
kathleenjohn: My snowblower arrives
kathleenjohn: My snowblower arrives
kathleenjohn: Gizmo tries out the snowblower
kathleenjohn: CIMG1666
kathleenjohn: CIMG1665
kathleenjohn: CIMG1664
kathleenjohn: CIMG1663
kathleenjohn: CIMG1662