KatsAsleep: biking yeah!
KatsAsleep: edgardo
KatsAsleep: mimi on stage
KatsAsleep: on the teapot
KatsAsleep: peek-a-boo elephant
KatsAsleep: carousel
KatsAsleep: balloons
KatsAsleep: lampost
KatsAsleep: spider-hairdo
KatsAsleep: carnival de strasbourg
KatsAsleep: chess champ
KatsAsleep: carousel
KatsAsleep: carousel
KatsAsleep: umbrella in Strasbourg
KatsAsleep: on the half-head
KatsAsleep: under a bridge
KatsAsleep: yeah thumbs up
KatsAsleep: turrets
KatsAsleep: swan foot
KatsAsleep: goose bum
KatsAsleep: on the river
KatsAsleep: weird tree warpage
KatsAsleep: window shutter
KatsAsleep: houses squished together
KatsAsleep: random street
KatsAsleep: carpet wall in the lift
KatsAsleep: jelly fish!
KatsAsleep: shoes again
KatsAsleep: out at the pub
KatsAsleep: yay piggies, in Strasbourg