kathham: What do you mean this is not our new home?
kathham: let me show you to the loung madam
kathham: Relaxing after lunch
kathham: Not too full for snuggles on the lounge
kathham: Where's C-C-C-Clive?
kathham: It's all about pace ...
kathham: Lazing in L'Abbaye grounds
kathham: Did I mention I love pebbles ?
kathham: Still busy while everyone else chills
kathham: Surely this is the life for us
kathham: Chocolate dessert
kathham: Ginger bread with strawberrys and cream
kathham: Mmmmm stinky cheese
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kathham: Thanks for bringing us here papa!
kathham: oooh the confit lamb
kathham: Salmon entree
kathham: Asparagus entree
kathham: i ate them all !
kathham: see the little escargot peaking out
kathham: Snails 3 ways - delicious!
kathham: Lunch menu at L'Abbaye
kathham: upstairs L'Abbaye
kathham: Corridors of L'Abbaye
kathham: oooh pebbles
kathham: Arrived safely at L'Abbaye - Wow!