kkr !: new bedding!
kkr !: looking north.
kkr !: tony in the kitchen.
kkr !: the dj stand.
kkr !: mission inspired art from kunal, funky wood thingy.
kkr !: trunk we found on the street as a coffee table.
kkr !: living room area, dj stand.
kkr !: wooden plant holders
kkr !: our patio
kkr !: patio
kkr !: bedroom/upstairs bathroom
kkr !: dining area.
kkr !: tony in the kitchen
kkr !: gas fireplace!
kkr !: new powdercoated steel shelves on casters!
kkr !: storage cart
kkr !: new side table from salvation army.
kkr !: crazy wooden (plant holders?) via craigslist.
kkr !: blurry stair
kkr !: downstairs from upstairs.