katherine of chicago: Metro Transit bus, Madison, WI
katherine of chicago: Megabus stop near City Market, Kansas City, MO
katherine of chicago: city bus, Indianapolis
katherine of chicago: IndyGo bus sign, Indianapolis
katherine of chicago: Greyhound/Indian Trails/city bus station, Lansing, MI
katherine of chicago: 409 to Trenton, in Philadelphia
katherine of chicago: Rosa Parks Transit Center, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Rosa Parks Transit Center, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Rosa Parks Transit Center, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Silver Line, Boston
katherine of chicago: Greyhound/city bus station, Providence, RI
katherine of chicago: TRANSPO, South Bend, IN
katherine of chicago: beat Chicago's taxes, shop Cicero
katherine of chicago: riding on city buses for a hobby is sad
katherine of chicago: North Grand Mall and Cy-Ride, Ames, IA
katherine of chicago: 16th St. ped mall, Denver
katherine of chicago: Pace bus terminal, Elgin
katherine of chicago: ruined buses
katherine of chicago: ruined buses
katherine of chicago: something better
katherine of chicago: the CTA rolls out its latest soul-crushing innovation
katherine of chicago: What's going on?
katherine of chicago: Opening day (ticket resale prohibited)
katherine of chicago: Madison Street walk: fallen sign and Colt 45
katherine of chicago: (United We) Stand
katherine of chicago: From a bus (I didn't recognize this)
katherine of chicago: Somewhat Dissatisfied
katherine of chicago: Pace bus with Legacy Fleet wrap, Old Orchard Mall