katherine of chicago: three trolleys converging!
katherine of chicago: TROLLEY! (downtown Memphis)
katherine of chicago: Memphis trolley!
katherine of chicago: Memphis trolley!
katherine of chicago: lavender trolley, Memphis
katherine of chicago: on the Detroit People Mover, Monday around 7:35 am
katherine of chicago: on the Detroit People Mover, Monday around 7:55 am
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover station, around 7:20 am
katherine of chicago: Kenosha streetcar!
katherine of chicago: Kenosha streetcar!
katherine of chicago: Kenosha streetcar!
katherine of chicago: Kenosha streetcar!
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover station
katherine of chicago: See something unusual?
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover station
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover tracks
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover tracks
katherine of chicago: here comes the People Mover
katherine of chicago: Detroit from above
katherine of chicago: here comes the People Mover
katherine of chicago: Development Opportunity
katherine of chicago: wonderful vacation
katherine of chicago: downtown Philadelphia
katherine of chicago: Detroit People Mover station
katherine of chicago: Kenosha streetcar, downtown Kenosha, WI