katherine of chicago: taking photos of people posing for photos in front of statues, Tigers edition
katherine of chicago: a beautiful day at Comerica Park
katherine of chicago: neon Tigers, Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: empty sign, Comerica Park
katherine of chicago: carousel at Comerica
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: plastic, the highlight of every game
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Quiet day at Comerica Park
katherine of chicago: Detroit from above
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park (Tigers win!)
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park and Fox Theatre
katherine of chicago: wonderful vacation
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park
katherine of chicago: New shoes at the ballpark (4 of 4!)
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park carousel
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: my first Vernors float, Comerica Park, Detroit
katherine of chicago: Comerica Park, Detroit