katherine of chicago:
Bozo? No, it's Boz!
katherine of chicago:
Grape Receiving
katherine of chicago:
Tasting Room
katherine of chicago:
the pierogi family
katherine of chicago:
if anyone wants me, I'll be in my beer garden
katherine of chicago:
Eric and a Red Stripe on his birthday
katherine of chicago:
katherine of chicago:
Wuzz Up? not much
katherine of chicago:
katherine of chicago:
Amazing Fashion
katherine of chicago:
Obreshk Building, Whiting, IN
katherine of chicago:
for the hockey fan who has everything (not necessarily including good taste)
katherine of chicago:
pharmacy, Whiting, IN
katherine of chicago:
Family Beer Garden, Pierogi Fest
katherine of chicago:
Eric gets an empty (!) pierogi, Pierogi Fest, Whiting, IN