katherine of chicago: vacant, Grand Ave.
katherine of chicago: corner building, Grand
katherine of chicago: S. Sacramento Ave.
katherine of chicago: Sunshine, W. Madison
katherine of chicago: random industrial site #672
katherine of chicago: vacant building, W. Roosevelt
katherine of chicago: downtown Oak Park, IL
katherine of chicago: demolition, Oak Park, IL
katherine of chicago: demolition, Oak Park, IL
katherine of chicago: former South Central State Bank
katherine of chicago: next to the Pink Line, Kedzie
katherine of chicago: abandoned hospital seen from depressing Metra platform (on a rainy day)
katherine of chicago: vacant industrial building
katherine of chicago: former Douglas Park Auditorium
katherine of chicago: Edgewater Hospital
katherine of chicago: Edgewater Hospital
katherine of chicago: abandoned factory
katherine of chicago: Cook County Hospital demolition
katherine of chicago: Cook County Hospital demolition
katherine of chicago: Slender Lady
katherine of chicago: Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation
katherine of chicago: Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation
katherine of chicago: Agudas Achim North Shore Congregation
katherine of chicago: damaged building, Lincoln Square
katherine of chicago: vacant banquet-y place, Wicker Park