katherinejulia: Trinity Church
katherinejulia: Paul Pierce
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: Boston Public Library
katherinejulia: The Boston Common
katherinejulia: The Boston Common
katherinejulia: The State House
katherinejulia: King’s Chapel
katherinejulia: King’s Chapel
katherinejulia: Old City Hall
katherinejulia: Old City Hall
katherinejulia: Arriving in Boston
katherinejulia: Arriving in Boston
katherinejulia: Old South Meeting House
katherinejulia: Old South Meeting House
katherinejulia: Old South Meeting House
katherinejulia: Old State House Museum and Boston Massacre Site
katherinejulia: City Hall
katherinejulia: City Hall
katherinejulia: Paul Revere House
katherinejulia: Paul Revere House