W & V: D7000 nikon 180mm R1C1
Geek Creek Junior: Test Drive
SuppaDuppa666: Unexpected Plan B
cskong9932: DSC_4291
michael doe (Project Maratus): jumping spider (Servaea incana)
Siegfried Tremel: Bombylius-Major (Grosser Wollschweber) -II-
Cristian Arghius: Machaon caterpillar
jorrrd: Pincher bug #1
Sylviane Moss: Somebody's going to have a shock...
Baby Shifty: X-Plus Godzilla 99
marcellomasiero: P1200444-2
Puffer Photography: The Old Man and the Sea...
Puffer Photography: Stealth Elf
Nyster Ryan: totoro 2
Izhguzin: IMGP1056-Edit
R D L: The Beast of Loch Earn
Baby Shifty: Mark Nagata Mini Eyezon
Baby Shifty: Monster Boogie Dino Saikobi Handpainted by Mark Nagata
Baby Shifty: Yamomark Kingyozaurus
Pinku_xxx: goth @ wgt 2012
lizchaderton: Owl lino cut
svetlovskiy: Monster
the.minouette: Mary Anning
MABONA ORIGAMI: Trilobite Olenoides (take 2 inspired by Bernie Peyton)
Baby Shifty: Konatsu & Max Toy Kaiju Negora
Baby Shifty: Yume The Little Geisha by Mat
Baby Shifty: Ultraman Monster Bemular
PhotoScientist: Nature's own music notes!