Kat Hatt: Iced
Kat Hatt: Bones of the earth. AAW-Dec.10-17,Emulation of Photographer, Robert Mapplethorpe
Kat Hatt: Follow the leader.
Kat Hatt: Time to mend fences while out mending fences.
Kat Hatt: From a distance
Kat Hatt: 2020-11-19_11-17-36
Kat Hatt: Fall Window - AAW - Theme Attention to Detail
Kat Hatt: History of Fall
Kat Hatt: Yesterday!
Kat Hatt: Tending to the past
Kat Hatt: Layered
Kat Hatt: A visiter
Kat Hatt: A good day!
Kat Hatt: Behind the MacPherson House
Kat Hatt: Shop window AAW- It's all about the light, Aug.30-Sept6th
Kat Hatt: Downy
Kat Hatt: Spiritual..
Kat Hatt: The reflection...
Kat Hatt: Spirit visit...