Kat Hatt: Conehead in the garden
Kat Hatt: Apple and frost
Kat Hatt: Apple Frost...
Kat Hatt: Stuff...
Kat Hatt: Here today gone tomorrow!
Kat Hatt: It's done!
Kat Hatt: Jigsaw Puzzle
Kat Hatt: For the Crows....
Kat Hatt: Lying down on the job.
Kat Hatt: Moglie....
Kat Hatt: Wild Grapes...
Kat Hatt: Even powdery mildew?
Kat Hatt: ground cover...
Kat Hatt: Almost Harvest Time.....
Kat Hatt: Roots
Kat Hatt: Thistle....
Kat Hatt: Billy John Williams
Kat Hatt: A few months back
Kat Hatt: DSC_7400
Kat Hatt: A Farm Gone Bad
Kat Hatt: Another look back!
Kat Hatt: Outside the door...
Kat Hatt: Clivia
Kat Hatt: The Ides of March
Kat Hatt: It's all bad...
Kat Hatt: On the snow...
Kat Hatt: Shakes
Kat Hatt: The Well House....
Kat Hatt: Raindeer Moss
Kat Hatt: No Parking...