kathpics: Smiths for brunch; the new Elliot Bay Bookstore; the Frye with Pops; boo-t-ful Sunday....
kathpics: Frank's Oyster House Sat night...
kathpics: cocktail menu
kathpics: conway pub - gotta come back and see Knut Bell
kathpics: family time checkin out the tulips
kathpics: nick and fe
kathpics: happy 25 years!!
kathpics: sarah, me, nick and em :)
kathpics: happy april 17
kathpics: mom and em
kathpics: stripes and checkers
kathpics: cocktail party to celebrate 25 years!
kathpics: thursday singing @ work
kathpics: me and lila - full frame AWW.
kathpics: we look like school kids. i like
kathpics: no posing is good.
kathpics: did you see a good film
kathpics: the stanford peeps at full frame - sweetness
kathpics: lila and i walked out of a movie i think
kathpics: my roommates
kathpics: walking home supposedly it was dangerous.
kathpics: morning walk with 3 dogs (behind me)
kathpics: amazingly successful breakfast. pancakes, bacon, eggs.
kathpics: card tricks
kathpics: who can make the best newspaper headline game?
kathpics: carol is a snowboarder
kathpics: chris and carol
kathpics: chris
kathpics: purty
kathpics: pretty