kathpics: lunchtime view
kathpics: going to worky work
kathpics: digging dirt
kathpics: ashley and felix at the taco stand in wallingford
kathpics: chopping
kathpics: photo show
kathpics: sunset
kathpics: rachel and me
kathpics: em and me eating one too many tacos, but oh so good!
kathpics: in action
kathpics: the kid table
kathpics: nick and felix
kathpics: amazing night at chris and liza's
kathpics: fifi
kathpics: fifi
kathpics: the boys
kathpics: fifi and em
kathpics: nick and me
kathpics: the ball game!
kathpics: sweet dinner with serena, scott and finn
kathpics: supa sweet
kathpics: pasta next to flowers
kathpics: salad next to water gun
kathpics: garage, chickens and walkway
kathpics: splinter photo
kathpics: Felix and me on the train
kathpics: felix on the train
kathpics: sun doing strange strange things
kathpics: breakfast with the family
kathpics: jibby