kathpics: esther going to yoga
kathpics: streetlife in rotterdam
kathpics: nightlight
kathpics: festival toilets!
kathpics: at the dunya festival
kathpics: biking
kathpics: on the back of a bike
kathpics: esther in front
kathpics: me in back again
kathpics: biking...
kathpics: basket
kathpics: wee!
kathpics: joost
kathpics: cafe
kathpics: spinning top
kathpics: coffees
kathpics: bike parking lot in a'dam
kathpics: sasja
kathpics: breakfast in a'dam
kathpics: ethiopian dinner
kathpics: full bellies
kathpics: soccer time
kathpics: old haunts
kathpics: windmill
kathpics: esther's story
kathpics: beers
kathpics: me and esther
kathpics: text1
kathpics: test2
kathpics: copenhagen airport