Kate Sherrill: Welcome Gamers!
Kate Sherrill: Ghostbusters
Kate Sherrill: Segway
Kate Sherrill: Chain mail bikini
Kate Sherrill: Star Wars guy
Kate Sherrill: Costume parade
Kate Sherrill: Costume parade
Kate Sherrill: Costume parade
Kate Sherrill: Costume parade
Kate Sherrill: Barbarian maidens?
Kate Sherrill: James runs into Kim
Kate Sherrill: Apples to Apples is turning Japanese
Kate Sherrill: World of Warcraft Chick
Kate Sherrill: Eclectic style
Kate Sherrill: James gaming
Kate Sherrill: Batman was keeping an eye on things
Kate Sherrill: Spidey was hanging around
Kate Sherrill: Swordplay
Kate Sherrill: DSCF00841
Kate Sherrill: Angel
Kate Sherrill: Stormtrooper
Kate Sherrill: Devilish
Kate Sherrill: DSCF0077
Kate Sherrill: DSCF0082
Kate Sherrill: DSCF0086
Kate Sherrill: Hamster Press
Kate Sherrill: Rowr!
Kate Sherrill: Where can I get that t-shirt?
Kate Sherrill: Wizard eating ice cream