katerha: Sail On
katerha: Don't Fence Me In
katerha: Welcome Chance !
katerha: It's good to be Queen!
katerha: Tattered and Torn
katerha: Proud to Vote!
katerha: Closing Time
katerha: Patriotic Chicken
katerha: Winter Welcomers
katerha: 37 years
katerha: Life's a Beach!
katerha: He told me one time he forgot himself & his heart opened up like a door with a loose latch & he tried for days to put it all back in proper order but finally he gave up & left it all jumbled up there in a pile & loved everything equally.Brian Andreas
katerha: Good morning whiteness
katerha: If I ran the world, he told me, I'd pretty much leave it alone & spend my time reading & I'd advise other people to do the same. Which is why I'll probably never run the world, he said. Brain Andreas
katerha: Where have all the flowers gone
katerha: Blueberry Pi
katerha: “No man is lonely eating spaghetti; it requires so much attention.”
katerha: Andy and Mary contemplate a banana split
katerha: Jane thinks today is going to be grate!
katerha: An invisible thread
katerha: Quiet in the Park
katerha: Spatchcocked
katerha: Boat Houses on Cedarville Bay
katerha: Boat Houses on Cedarville Bay
katerha: Boat Houses on Cedarville Bay
katerha: It's beginning to look a lot like.......winter
katerha: you place the flowers in the vase that you bought today... (or maybe Wednesday)
katerha: Buoys
katerha: Be the first of your friends to like this post!
katerha: A winter's day- in a bleak and dark (November)