katerha: Lawn Ornaments
katerha: Back Seat Driver!
katerha: Her umbrella was filled with rain she collected on her travels & on hot summer days she would open it up & it would smell of places we had never seen like Nairobi & Tasmania & we would sit on the porch till dusk & watch for tigers in the bushes.
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: The Chives Are ALIVE!!!
katerha: Bachelor Buttons
katerha: From the outside looking in, you can never understand it; From the inside looking out, you can never explain it.
katerha: What's got six legs and can fly long distances? A: Three swallows!
katerha: It started with a boom!!!
katerha: "In summer, the song sings itself". ~William Carlos Williams
katerha: More summer lovin'
katerha: “Poets who know no better rhapsodize about the peace of nature, but a well-populated marsh is a cacophony.” Bern Keating
katerha: ..as the day begins- steam fog
katerha: Got Mail????
katerha: What's In Your Mailbox?
katerha: Coreopsis
katerha: Wings Over Gaylord Airshow
katerha: Wings Over Gaylord Airshow
katerha: Wings Over Gaylord Airshow
katerha: Wings Over Gaylord Airshow
katerha: Wings Over Gaylord Airshow
katerha: Wings Over Gaylord Airshow
katerha: Wings Over Gaylord Airshow
katerha: S.S. Keewatin