katerha: “The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.”
katerha: Lady Slippers
katerha: Mayfly
katerha: Radish Seedlings
katerha: Sidewalk Chalk
katerha: “Life is just a bowl of cherries, don't take it serious, its mysterious. Life is just a bowl of cherries, so live and laugh and laugh at love, love a laugh, laugh and love.”
katerha: Sweet, Sweet Cherries
katerha: When life hands you lemons, make lemon meringue pie!
katerha: Constant repetition carries conviction. Robert Collier
katerha: Repetition
katerha: “There is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
katerha: When I die, she said, I'm coming back as a tree with deep roots & I'll wave my leaves at the children every morning on their way to school & whisper tree songs at night in their dreams. Trees with deep roots know about the things children need.~Brian And
katerha: Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. Gerard De Nerva
katerha: There's No Place Like Home
katerha: English Daisies
katerha: You're a grand old flag, You're a high flying flag And forever in peace may you wave. ~George M. Cohan
katerha: Tibetan Prayer Flags
katerha: Tibetan Prayer Flags
katerha: One Minute Walk
katerha: West End Onion Rings
katerha: "D"
katerha: Floral Frame
katerha: Framed
katerha: Bush Bay, Lake Huron
katerha: Pitcher Plant
katerha: Pitcher Plant
katerha: Insect Trap
katerha: Pitcher Plant
katerha: Pitcher Plant
katerha: Abstract