~ cynthiak ~: You have to be able to laugh at yourself. Attitude is almost more important than what happens to you...
~ cynthiak ~: There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face...
TeresaPeek: Green Power
~ cynthiak ~: I try to avoid looking forward or backward, and try to keep looking upward...
Duane Rapp: Cresting..
benchorizo: Chicago Sundial
John Cousert: 033.jpg
~ cynthiak ~: March: 2016
~ cynthiak ~: Baseball is the only field of endeavour where a man can succeed three times out of ten and be considered a good performer...
Duane Rapp: Winters Last Stand....
~ cynthiak ~: In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you...
Duane Rapp: Eastbound Monster
~ cynthiak ~: The person who has not learned to be happy and content while completely alone for an hour a day, or a week has missed life’s greatest serenity...
~ cynthiak ~: Be yourself; everyone else is already taken...
~ cynthiak ~: Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life...
Duane Rapp: Power On The Prairie
benchorizo: Sunrise Silhouettes
Duane Rapp: Golden Hour In Dekalb
rrazz67(off more than on): Ice & Eagles Dayton Dam
~ cynthiak ~: Facedown Tuesday: boxed in edition...
Duane Rapp: 13,000 Ton Roller Coaster
~ cynthiak ~: If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun...
~ cynthiak ~: Facedown Tuesday: blowing snow edition
Duane Rapp: Another Years Rolls By...
Duane Rapp: Your Power To Lose....
Duane Rapp: Merry Christmas
benchorizo: The Night Before Christmas
Alex Szymanek: Christmas Morning