@KateMasonArtist: 091118_IR_04
@KateMasonArtist: 091118_JM_01
@KateMasonArtist: 091118_SO_02
@KateMasonArtist: New do for IR
@KateMasonArtist: Soda sporting new cardy from Mel (onecraftymumma)
@KateMasonArtist: Soda got new pink alpaca hair!
@KateMasonArtist: #blytheaday | Tea Party | Hmmm, shy? Stand-offish? Not sure what is going on but this tea party is not going so well.
@KateMasonArtist: #blytheadaymarch | In a tree | Sitting in a little nook in the vibe that grows up our house wall outside
@KateMasonArtist: Yep, definitely liking this hair on her. #blythe #alpaca #ilovegeorge #icerune
@KateMasonArtist: Soda is trying on Cookie's old hair. Think I'm liking it! #blythe #alpaca #ilovegeorge
@KateMasonArtist: Poor neglected Blythes. Just hanging around waiting for some attention.
@KateMasonArtist: A bit scalp swapping has been happening around here. Here are my two brunettes on #dearlelegirl and #icerune #blythe
@KateMasonArtist: 6a00d8341cab3e53ef014e899416b6970d-400wi
@KateMasonArtist: FS #blythe 's. Will blog. Later. Maybe tomorrow. Never enough minutesss! Aaaggghhhhh!
@KateMasonArtist: Cutie pie hat