katelnorth: Bishopsgate Wenlock
katelnorth: Gherkin from a distance
katelnorth: Gherkin
katelnorth: Work in progress
katelnorth: Lloyd's Building
katelnorth: Buildings
katelnorth: Splashy Mandeville
katelnorth: Lloyd's Building up close
katelnorth: Business Mandeville
katelnorth: Leadenhall Market Wenlock
katelnorth: Londinium Wenlock
katelnorth: Contemplative Mandeville
katelnorth: Gilt of Cain
katelnorth: Gilt of Cain
katelnorth: Gilt of Cain, the poem
katelnorth: Gilt of Cain, explanation
katelnorth: Alleyway
katelnorth: View of the Gherkin
katelnorth: A wooden thingy
katelnorth: Cockney Wenlock
katelnorth: Kids under the wooden thingy
katelnorth: Chaucer lived here
katelnorth: Statue of an Owl in the rafters
katelnorth: Police Box
katelnorth: Punk Mandeville
katelnorth: Punk Butt
katelnorth: Modern Bin
katelnorth: Subway entrance
katelnorth: Last of the jellied eels?
katelnorth: Dickens Wenlock