katelnorth: Riding the tube
katelnorth: vulture
katelnorth: gibbon - Sarah's favourite
katelnorth: trying to photograph the gibbons
katelnorth: aren't these birds gorgeous?
katelnorth: birds
katelnorth: bird with big beak
katelnorth: bird (yes, I'm good at descriptions)
katelnorth: lizard
katelnorth: Beware - here there be dragons
katelnorth: Alex, Amelia, Livia
katelnorth: Sarah is actually smiling - amazing
katelnorth: Caroline
katelnorth: Alex with a gorilla statue
katelnorth: gorilla
katelnorth: great face, eh?
katelnorth: gorilla
katelnorth: gorilla gorilla
katelnorth: flamingoes - they were pinker up close
katelnorth: penguins
katelnorth: trip to first aid hut -
katelnorth: bruised cheek - poor baby
katelnorth: moth with big eye
katelnorth: this moth was totally still the whole time - nocturnal!
katelnorth: moth feeding
katelnorth: another moth
katelnorth: looking for lions
katelnorth: Lion had just finished roaring a lot