katelnorth: black run - take 2...
katelnorth: silk scarf
katelnorth: soxes
katelnorth: lotsa dyeing
katelnorth: pink 2 colour piece
katelnorth: orange/red piece
katelnorth: green piece - 2 tone
katelnorth: c.isle green for binding on a quilt
katelnorth: another piece intended for binding
katelnorth: bowl parfait -
katelnorth: tub parfait
katelnorth: pipe shibori
katelnorth: detail
katelnorth: black gradation
katelnorth: shibori piece - used PVC pipe
katelnorth: odd container 1 - flower pot
katelnorth: odd container 2 - wineglass
katelnorth: odd container 3 - bottle of coke bottle
katelnorth: odd container 4 - dog shaped sand mould
katelnorth: odd 4
katelnorth: odd 5 - bottom of fairy liquid bottle
katelnorth: odd 6 - lightbulb packet
katelnorth: odd 6
katelnorth: odd 7 - plastic tube
katelnorth: odd 8 - latex glove