katelnorth: Fountain in Cannizaro Park
katelnorth: Olivia
katelnorth: Geoff
katelnorth: girls
katelnorth: closeup
katelnorth: park pathways
katelnorth: rose garden - past its best, of course
katelnorth: tree lined avenue
katelnorth: geoff & girls
katelnorth: girls again
katelnorth: walled garden
katelnorth: walled garden 2
katelnorth: girls looking through balustrade
katelnorth: big tree
katelnorth: more trees
katelnorth: pathway
katelnorth: secret bamboo "room"
katelnorth: "ruins"
katelnorth: picnic in the ruins
katelnorth: picnic 2
katelnorth: big tree (a different one)
katelnorth: sarah
katelnorth: funky tree
katelnorth: tree with bat box
katelnorth: Cannizaro House (now a hotel)
katelnorth: Sarah at pond