kateleth: T-Rex and SCIENCE
kateleth: T-Rex
kateleth: Not what they seem
kateleth: The Drunk's Walk
kateleth: Bird sneak
kateleth: Pod Racer
kateleth: Probability
kateleth: Through the eyepiece
kateleth: Golden spirals
kateleth: Science and Art
kateleth: Giant Van der Graff generator
kateleth: Giant Sequoia
kateleth: Electricity Theatre
kateleth: Planetarium projector
kateleth: Mr. Grasshopper
kateleth: Cafe Vittoria
kateleth: Paul Revere statue
kateleth: Saints
kateleth: North End Boston
kateleth: Cafe window
kateleth: Lights and branches
kateleth: Lights and trees
kateleth: Cupcakes and coffee
kateleth: Some kind of hand-related pun