kkretz4art: "Art Mark" Project
kkretz4art: Art Marks installation View
kkretz4art: Beauty of Your Breathing
kkretz4art: Your Fragility...
kkretz4art: Your Fragility... (detail)
kkretz4art: "Woman..." image detail
kkretz4art: "Woman With An Urgent vocation (and a Master's Degree)...", part 2"
kkretz4art: Woman With An Urgent Vocation (& a Master's Degree)
kkretz4art: Kate in Fertilization Dress
kkretz4art: Fertilization Dress detail
kkretz4art: Fertilization Purse
kkretz4art: Stay.
kkretz4art: Stay. (detail)
kkretz4art: Sacred Ovaries
kkretz4art: Sacred Ovaries (detail)
kkretz4art: Memento Innocenti