kkretz4art: Hillyer Art Center Installation
kkretz4art: Hillyer Art Center Installation
kkretz4art: Hillyer Installation
kkretz4art: Hillyer Installation
kkretz4art: Your Fragility...
kkretz4art: Your Fragility... (detail)
kkretz4art: Special Angel (detail)
kkretz4art: Special Angel
kkretz4art: Stay.
kkretz4art: Stay. (detail)
kkretz4art: Deep, Far
kkretz4art: "Sentinel, Paralyzed"
kkretz4art: "Sentinel, Paralyzed" detail
kkretz4art: "Sentinel, Paralyzed" embroidery detail
kkretz4art: Oubliette I (framed)
kkretz4art: Oubliette I detail
kkretz4art: Oubliette I (extreme detail)
kkretz4art: The Initiate
kkretz4art: The Initiate (detail)
kkretz4art: Flickrpresslink