Kate Chan: Gluten Free: Carrot Pupusas
Kate Chan: Gluten Free: Carrot Pupusas
Kate Chan: GF radish cakes
Kate Chan: Naturally GF: Seasoned-Laver Wraps
Kate Chan: Fresh ginger and rhubard crisp: Gluten free, of course.
Kate Chan: Gluten Free Strawberry Scones
Kate Chan: Quinoa-Rainbow Chard Salad
Kate Chan: GF: Asian inspired BBQ sauce
Kate Chan: Garlic Scapes
Kate Chan: GF: Creamy Brown Rice Risotto with Garlic Scapes and Ginger
Kate Chan: Which one next?
Kate Chan: GF Basic White Cake with Raspberry Jam center
Kate Chan: GF Basic White Cake with Strawberry Jam and Strawberry Buttercream
Kate Chan: Lunch
Kate Chan: GF White cake batter
Kate Chan: GF Cake - smooth it out
Kate Chan: GF Basic White Cake - batter
Kate Chan: GF Basic White Cake
Kate Chan: GF Basic White Cake
Kate Chan: K.I.S.S Collard Greens - GF, of course
Kate Chan: Chinese Steamed Eggs - Step 1
Kate Chan: Chinese Steamed Eggs - Step 2
Kate Chan: Chinese Steamed Eggs = done! (Step 3)
Kate Chan: K.I.S.S. Collard Greens
Kate Chan: Quesadilla
Kate Chan: Funky pie crust - and I WILL make it again and again
Kate Chan: Funky pie crust - and I WILL make it again and again
Kate Chan: Leftovers = lunch
Kate Chan: My first frittata..but not my first crappy photo