Kate Anne: Alexa & Mike wed
Kate Anne: Adelphi bedroom 4
Kate Anne: Adelphi bedroom 3
Kate Anne: Adelphi bedroom 2
Kate Anne: Barney Bear - flash
Kate Anne: Barney Bear - unlit
Kate Anne: Adelphi bedroom 1
Kate Anne: Awaiting the Bride
Kate Anne: Bridesmaid 1
Kate Anne: Bridesmaid 2
Kate Anne: Bridesmaid 3
Kate Anne: Rings and Flowers
Kate Anne: Marcia walks Alexa 1
Kate Anne: Marcia walks Alexa 2
Kate Anne: Bride & Groom
Kate Anne: Mom's kiss
Kate Anne: Listening to the readings
Kate Anne: Reading Reaction 1
Kate Anne: Reading Reaction 2
Kate Anne: Reading Reaction 3
Kate Anne: Clearing clouds bless the wedding
Kate Anne: Mike's vows to Alexa
Kate Anne: Marcia watches
Kate Anne: Singers
Kate Anne: First wedded Kiss
Kate Anne: The Newlyweds
Kate Anne: Ring Bearer and Flower Girl
Kate Anne: Marcia with Ed Peck
Kate Anne: Ed Peck and friend Judy
Kate Anne: Enter the Bride and Groom