Kate Anne: Standing UP for the CHANGE
Kate Anne: One Nation
Kate Anne: Gathering at RFK
Kate Anne: Walking to the Metro
Kate Anne: Shirt hawkers: I Need a Job
Kate Anne: Crowding in towards the metro and mall
Kate Anne: La Toya and Marcus
Kate Anne: Arriving shot: the mall #1
Kate Anne: Arriving shot: the mall #2
Kate Anne: Patty and Molly
Kate Anne: Molly's Friends
Kate Anne: Patty, Molly, and Kate Anne #1
Kate Anne: Patty, Molly, and Kate Anne #2
Kate Anne: Throng on the Path
Kate Anne: Code Pink #1
Kate Anne: Code Pink #2
Kate Anne: One Nation at the Pool
Kate Anne: The Throng off the Mall
Kate Anne: Lincoln Memorial #1
Kate Anne: Lincoln Memorial #2
Kate Anne: Lincoln Memorial and One Nation
Kate Anne: Washington Monument
Kate Anne: BailOutPeople.org
Kate Anne: Ducks for Jobs, Justice, Peace and Education
Kate Anne: Good Jobs Now!
Kate Anne: Lincoln Memorial and Harry Belafonte
Kate Anne: Harry Belafonte on Screen
Kate Anne: More Harry Belafonte on Screen
Kate Anne: Kate Anne in Pink Peace Hat
Kate Anne: Activist, Molly and Patty