Kate Anne: FOR Peace and Ending Torture
Kate Anne: Prayer Vigil and Witness
Kate Anne: Juma at Foley Square
Kate Anne: Ethan and Gail FOR peace
Kate Anne: Vigiling at Foley Square
Kate Anne: Code Pink Against Torture #1
Kate Anne: Please pray for her #1
Kate Anne: Please pray for her #3
Kate Anne: Code Pink for ending torture
Kate Anne: Witnessing Against Torture
Kate Anne: Seton Hall Says No to Torture
Kate Anne: Umbrellas of Witness
Kate Anne: Shut Down Guantamo
Kate Anne: In the Rain to end Torture #1
Kate Anne: In the Rain to end Torture #2
Kate Anne: Rev. Rich Smith #1
Kate Anne: Rev. Rich Smith #2
Kate Anne: In the Rain to End Torture #3
Kate Anne: In the Rain to End Torture #4
Kate Anne: In the Rain to End Torture #5
Kate Anne: Discussion
Kate Anne: New Yorkers Seeking to end Torture
Kate Anne: Margaret in the Rain
Kate Anne: In the Rain to end torture #6
Kate Anne: Rain and Prayers
Kate Anne: Waterboarding is Torture #2
Kate Anne: Waterboarding is Torture #2
Kate Anne: Torture has Nevery any Justification
Kate Anne: Sign
Kate Anne: Rain vs Waterboarding