Kate Anne: Gina & Michael Dylan wed
Kate Anne: Michael James & Trellis 1
Kate Anne: Michael James & Trellis 2
Kate Anne: Wedding trellis
Kate Anne: Wedding guest book table
Kate Anne: Sara, Marcy & Kate
Kate Anne: Marcy & Sara
Kate Anne: Wedding Cake
Kate Anne: Inside table
Kate Anne: The Judge signs the license
Kate Anne: Wedding ceremony 4
Kate Anne: Wedding Ceremony 3
Kate Anne: Wedding Ceremony 2
Kate Anne: Wedding Ceremony 1
Kate Anne: Ventre Family
Kate Anne: Wedding Ceremony 7
Kate Anne: Wedding Ceremony 6
Kate Anne: Wedding Ceremony 5
Kate Anne: Wedding Kiss 1
Kate Anne: Wedding Kiss 2
Kate Anne: Gina Ventre and Michael Dylan Brennan
Kate Anne: Bride, Groom & Mothers
Kate Anne: Bride and Groom
Kate Anne: The Nieces and Aunt Betty Murphy
Kate Anne: Pat, Evan & Gregory
Kate Anne: Mugging a bit
Kate Anne: Ellie and Christopher + 2
Kate Anne: Ellie and Christopher + 1
Kate Anne: Ventres
Kate Anne: Ventres