Kate Anne: Shanghai, pre-parade
Kate Anne: Spike and Friend
Kate Anne: More SUDS marchers
Kate Anne: Another SUDS cutie
Kate Anne: WQIDC lining up
Kate Anne: WQIDC contingent grows #1
Kate Anne: WQIDC contingent grows #1
Kate Anne: Astorians for Peace
Kate Anne: Jimmy Van Bramer & Dorothy Morehead
Kate Anne: Stop the Hate!
Kate Anne: Peaceful Gathering #2
Kate Anne: Peaceful gathering #1
Kate Anne: A blissful Dorothy Morehead
Kate Anne: Ballet Quetzalcoat de Brooklyn
Kate Anne: Shut Down Gitmo - No Killing
Kate Anne: Three wait
Kate Anne: Ballet Quetzalcoat de Brooklyn #2
Kate Anne: Band gearing up
Kate Anne: Band members - close up
Kate Anne: Animal Marchers
Kate Anne: Brendan Fay 1
Kate Anne: Brendan Fay 2
Kate Anne: Wearing of the Green
Kate Anne: Balloons of Fun
Kate Anne: P.S. 199 - Queens
Kate Anne: WBAI Friend
Kate Anne: Sunnyside Community Services
Kate Anne: Parade co-chair Barbara Mohr and family
Kate Anne: Mother Jones Marches Again!
Kate Anne: Band Members 2