kate :-): crown
kate :-): crown b+w
kate :-): haile portrait
kate :-): museum roof
kate :-): australopithecus afarensis
kate :-): afarensis
kate :-): australopithecus garhi
kate :-): animal bones and stone tools
kate :-): stones and bones
kate :-): bone with tool marks
kate :-): australopithecus boisei and homo erectus
kate :-): A.bosei and H. erectus
kate :-): Homo rhodensiensis
kate :-): H.rhodensiensis
kate :-): phylogenetic tree
kate :-): giant warthog skull
kate :-): warthog
kate :-): Lucy
kate :-): dinknesh (lucy)
kate :-): dinknesh
kate :-): The beginning of human mankind
kate :-): dinknesh or lucy
kate :-): dinknesh or lucy b+w
kate :-): selam
kate :-): fossil room
kate :-): national museum of ethiopia b+w
kate :-): national museum of ethiopia
kate :-): ethiopian millenium
kate :-): ethiopian millenium background fade
kate :-): millenium desat