kate :-): drones2
kate :-): drones2 b+w
kate :-): drones2 reverse b+w
kate :-): drones contrast
kate :-): drones on stage
kate :-): ezer hire
kate :-): fell in love with the people in the front row
kate :-): in sync
kate :-): drones
kate :-): golden plains by night
kate :-): golden plains by night2
kate :-): golden plains earrings
kate :-): golden sunset
kate :-): golden trees
kate :-): gotye b+w
kate :-): gotye checks out the front row
kate :-): gotye semi smiles
kate :-): gotye semi smiles b+w
kate :-): Lucas Taranto on the bass for Gotye
kate :-): hats
kate :-): flowers in her hair
kate :-): flowers in her hair - the remix
kate :-): fro from hell
kate :-): golden moment
kate :-): in sync
kate :-): jake remix
kate :-): jake's happy feet
kate :-): last dance
kate :-): last light and the drones
kate :-): love at the pink flamingo