Kat Duncan: Odd little person
Kat Duncan: Food and beer..
Kat Duncan: tiki fun
Kat Duncan: Beer stand
Kat Duncan: Worlds longest Sofa
Kat Duncan: hello there
Kat Duncan: Sign for the sofa
Kat Duncan: Worlds longest Sofa
Kat Duncan: cute kids
Kat Duncan: man not playing in a top hat..
Kat Duncan: antique player piano
Kat Duncan: the piano
Kat Duncan: crista on the sofa
Kat Duncan: longest sofa with new occupants
Kat Duncan: train fun
Kat Duncan: caramel apples
Kat Duncan: apple-licious
Kat Duncan: making the apples
Kat Duncan: declicious
Kat Duncan: Rob's Magic
Kat Duncan: interesting creature paintings
Kat Duncan: the DNC collecting donations
Kat Duncan: Rob working the crowd
Kat Duncan: magic rings
Kat Duncan: card trick
Kat Duncan: Card magic
Kat Duncan: pick a card.. any card..
Kat Duncan: tips, if I made you smile..