Katchapillar: Getting on the ice
Katchapillar: Hampton Court lit up
Katchapillar: The rink
Katchapillar: Group shot take one
Katchapillar: Group shot take two - still mia's
Katchapillar: Evan willing himself to go
Katchapillar: Pros on the ice
Katchapillar: Trains, pft not allowed!
Katchapillar: Coming in for a landing
Katchapillar: Awwwww
Katchapillar: I think Evan really meant to do the two-ups
Katchapillar: Dancing on ice
Katchapillar: David suspended in time
Katchapillar: Another aeroplane shot
Katchapillar: The Re-enactment
Katchapillar: Chillin on the barrier
Katchapillar: So happy
Katchapillar: Doing the robot?
Katchapillar: Everyone loves Loges
Katchapillar: OMGHAI Hitler
Katchapillar: Ohhh really
Katchapillar: Cheapest Chirstmas crackers ever
Katchapillar: Spoon, huh?
Katchapillar: Hahaha
Katchapillar: Not nice Chris
Katchapillar: Much nicer
Katchapillar: Hehehe