Katchapillar: Hell Yeah!
Katchapillar: It's Party Time, Excellent!
Katchapillar: Smackdown Duke
Katchapillar: Loges & Tinman
Katchapillar: Duke & Rocky
Katchapillar: Foooooxy Lady
Katchapillar: Harry & I
Katchapillar: There was madness in any direction.
Katchapillar: I wanna be a Warrabie
Katchapillar: Pocahontas
Katchapillar: Sexy Miss Potter & Wayne
Katchapillar: Right arm of doom
Katchapillar: Zero Cool & the Tinman
Katchapillar: Bayless Hat
Katchapillar: Classic
Katchapillar: Smells like The Plague had been here
Katchapillar: The redness was spreading
Katchapillar: Unsure really who he was
Katchapillar: Butthead Potter