Southern California birds & other sights: It sure is breezy today
Southern California birds & other sights: Birdfeeder at cemetery headstone
Southern California birds & other sights: Red Admiral's pumpkin shadow
Southern California birds & other sights: Ridgway's Rail swimming
Southern California birds & other sights: We're gonna eat you up, little boy!
Southern California birds & other sights: Sword up Pikachu's butt
Southern California birds & other sights: Fanged Panda and McDonald's Thor
Southern California birds & other sights: Star Wars Lego Stormtroopers
Southern California birds & other sights: Ostrich-riding cosplayer
Southern California birds & other sights: Yellow-rumped Warbler, male
Southern California birds & other sights: Acorn Woodpecker, female
Southern California birds & other sights: Why the ground squirrel was chasing it
Southern California birds & other sights: Snowy Egret gular fluttering
Southern California birds & other sights: House Sparrow with pollen(?) on head
Southern California birds & other sights: Black-crowned Night-Heron, immature
Southern California birds & other sights: Cassin's Kingbird drying out after bath
Southern California birds & other sights: Green Heron stretching out
Southern California birds & other sights: House Sparrow juveniles
Southern California birds & other sights: Gull Robbing an Absentee Beachgoer of Corn Nuts