robotkasten: driving with kichi
robotkasten: I think we're in the south now.
robotkasten: car sleeper
robotkasten: virginia is pretty
robotkasten: christiansburg is creepy
robotkasten: and the ugliest motel bedspread award goes to...
robotkasten: doublexposes
robotkasten: eartime
robotkasten: stabin fever
robotkasten: hates us.
robotkasten: go go go
robotkasten: tired of driving
robotkasten: car haze
robotkasten: bert orr
robotkasten: big sky, big truck
robotkasten: HOT car
robotkasten: amaricerz
robotkasten: the road
robotkasten: Nashville
robotkasten: navigator
robotkasten: Memphis
robotkasten: welcome to BUCKSNORT
robotkasten: TN dogfriend
robotkasten: Nashville
robotkasten: graceland in yo faceland
robotkasten: the TN river