K.A. Sprouse: Mudhouse macchiato for the win! #cville #charlottesville #downtownmall #mudhouse #coffee #cafes
K.A. Sprouse: mojito
K.A. Sprouse: birthday cake
K.A. Sprouse: graffiti
K.A. Sprouse: Mojitos at the Marina with Aunt Debby. #williamsburg
K.A. Sprouse: So now you know... #charlottesville #cville #downtownmall #utopia #usefulinfo
K.A. Sprouse: When I lived in Cville in the 1990s, I hardly ever noticed the trains. Now that I live in Belmont and walk to work most days, I see them all the time. #charlottesville #cville #trains
K.A. Sprouse: Sarah's driving, so I'm playing. #roadtrip #virginia #I-64
K.A. Sprouse: The Local, one of my favorite Cville restaurants. #charlottesville #charlottesville #belmont #TheLocal
K.A. Sprouse: Early evening sky from the Belmont Bridge. #cville #charlottesville #belmont #downtownmall
K.A. Sprouse: Obama campaign office in Staunton. #staunton #Obama #democrats
K.A. Sprouse: Downtown Staunton at night.
K.A. Sprouse: Fall light is coming. #charlottesville #cville