kurki: evening chill out on Managaha Island
kurki: camping on Managaha
kurki: local fauna - Saipanda :)
kurki: Man with the fridge.
kurki: our morning sport
kurki: baby shark
kurki: OK? OK.
kurki: our bags for a one day camping ;)
kurki: Managaha island
kurki: lunch with the view on Managaha
kurki: from the plane
kurki: Saipan on the horizon
kurki: secluded beach, Tinian
kurki: a plane to Tinian
kurki: after a dive, Tachogna Beach, Tinian
kurki: Lau Lau Bay, after a 25 minute green turtle encounter
kurki: divers at the Grotto
kurki: the Grotto-best diving spot in Saipan
kurki: real deal;)
kurki: Mark at Pacific Islands Club
kurki: "Girl from Ipanema" by a local bossa nova band
kurki: Desafinado
kurki: sunsets on the islands
kurki: Mark seriously tcb-ing..