Kasey Smith:
this sombrero is wearing a baret!
Kasey Smith:
birthday girl
Kasey Smith:
we won! something.
Kasey Smith:
Kasey Smith:
un-losting ourselves
Kasey Smith:
lost in the parade chaos
Kasey Smith:
excessive tape
Kasey Smith:
duncan and pola
Kasey Smith:
plotting and scheming and generally up to no good
Kasey Smith:
where are we going and why are we in this handbasket?
Kasey Smith:
Kasey Smith:
duncan and pola looking cute
Kasey Smith:
seth looking not as cute as duncan and pola do
Kasey Smith:
OCD route prep
Kasey Smith:
a sinister ascent
Kasey Smith:
architecture wreathed in lightbulbs
Kasey Smith:
the sun is setting and we're on the move!
Kasey Smith:
the birthday girl
Kasey Smith:
mapping the course
Kasey Smith:
the beard
Kasey Smith:
the remains of flares
Kasey Smith:
too silly not to take a picture of
Kasey Smith:
Loving Hut
Kasey Smith:
Language of the Birds