kasa51: Potato fries
kasa51: 或る日の夕食
kasa51: Boiled Alfonsino
kasa51: Marinade of octopus and celery
kasa51: KIRIN
kasa51: P1130269
kasa51: 鰯の梅干煮
kasa51: Sardine
kasa51: Sardine
kasa51: Sardine
kasa51: Boiled taro and beef seasoned with salt
kasa51: P1130209
kasa51: wine
kasa51: P1130023
kasa51: SAPPORO×ROYSE Chocolate Brewery BITTER
kasa51: 鯛の蒸し物 尾頭
kasa51: 北京ダック
kasa51: 玉子
kasa51: P1070517
kasa51: P1070371
kasa51: 漬物 Japanese pickles
kasa51: 山椒 Japanese pepper
kasa51: うなぎ蒲焼 The kabayaki of the eel
kasa51: 最中&どら焼き Japanese sweets
kasa51: 磯部巻 Baked rice cake rapped with dried seaweed
kasa51: 雑煮 Rice cake in soup
kasa51: お節 New Year dishes 3
kasa51: お節 New Year dishes 2
kasa51: お節 New Year dishes 1