karrelbuck: 1 back pocket
karrelbuck: 1 back pocket
karrelbuck: Cuff on bottom of capri's
karrelbuck: Beach bag front
karrelbuck: Beach bag back
karrelbuck: Heron detail
karrelbuck: DSCF0059_edited-1
karrelbuck: Embroidery detail
karrelbuck: Stich Stich Stichin
karrelbuck: Hope & her shirt
karrelbuck: Close up of Hopey's shirt
karrelbuck: Onesie (outline - off!)
karrelbuck: Onesie
karrelbuck: Other corner of Bryson's blankie "made by me"
karrelbuck: Bryson's blankie (off center, oh well)
karrelbuck: Machine felted postcard - the base
karrelbuck: Towels began
karrelbuck: Place mat for Leila & Vito's boat #3 "made by me"
karrelbuck: Place mat for Leila & Vito's boat #2 "made by me"
karrelbuck: Place mat for Leila & Vito's boat #1
karrelbuck: Mat for Radar's food & water "made by me"
karrelbuck: X marks the spot
karrelbuck: Arrrrrr - shiver me timbers
karrelbuck: Captain Quackers
karrelbuck: Buried treasue
karrelbuck: The lookout - Ahoy - Land ahead
karrelbuck: Set of 6 Gasparilla Napkins for Angie
karrelbuck: ManBag hanging (as if over your shoulder)
karrelbuck: Back of ManBag diaper bag
karrelbuck: Close up with back showcased of ManBag diaper bag