karrelbuck: Hope's quilt with stippling and embellishments
karrelbuck: Hope's pillow side 1
karrelbuck: Hope's pillow side one
karrelbuck: My materials in the Stack & Wack class
karrelbuck: Me in the Stack & Wack class 11/2005
karrelbuck: Stack N Wack quilt - finished!!!!
karrelbuck: Howl at the Moon poncho
karrelbuck: Rowdy likes the quilt
karrelbuck: Kaitlyn's quilt - finished!
karrelbuck: Kylie & her Raggedy Hearts Quilt I made
karrelbuck: Tampa Bay Themed shopping bag
karrelbuck: Back of Shopping bag
karrelbuck: Inside of Shopping bag
karrelbuck: Crazy quilt patch
karrelbuck: Bought in Key West, the theme of my Blooming 9 Patch quilt
karrelbuck: Some of the fabrics I used in my Blooming 9 Patch Quilt
karrelbuck: Blooming 9 Patches
karrelbuck: Rowdy in his spot on Mommy's bed.
karrelbuck: Blooming 9 Patch quilt finished & on my bed!!!
karrelbuck: Tori's quilt
karrelbuck: Embellished seaside quilt
karrelbuck: Alligator Crawl pillow (South Florida Quilt Hop)
karrelbuck: Escaping Bug Jar Quilt
karrelbuck: Close up of bug from Escaping Bug quilt
karrelbuck: The run of fabrics for Bargello 9 degree quilt
karrelbuck: Nicole's quilt in progress
karrelbuck: Hmmmm
karrelbuck: OK, this is how it will be
karrelbuck: I took this from another angle because the one side was washed out by light
karrelbuck: Nicole's quilt - Finito!