karrah.kobus: absent minded.
karrah.kobus: rest your tired wings.
karrah.kobus: where have all the flowers gone?
karrah.kobus: goodbye, nightmares.
karrah.kobus: not lonely when im alone.
karrah.kobus: small steps.
karrah.kobus: i will go until my heart stops.
karrah.kobus: will bend, wont break.
karrah.kobus: i may have memorized the shape of your body.
karrah.kobus: all my life i lived in a bubble.
karrah.kobus: i set them all free.
karrah.kobus: just leave me your feathers to remember you by.
karrah.kobus: waiting for the world to swallow me whole.
karrah.kobus: living is easy, until it isnt.
karrah.kobus: the little chambers inside my heart are lit by lights that never burn out.
karrah.kobus: i felt the breeze of your soul and it was cold.
karrah.kobus: only as clean as the soul you keep.
karrah.kobus: more blending, more mending.
karrah.kobus: all the keys are stuck.
karrah.kobus: loads of fun, chores undone.
karrah.kobus: for 50 days and 50 nights, ive eaten my dinner by moonlight.
karrah.kobus: with no fear, i held my breath.
karrah.kobus: diamond in the rough.
karrah.kobus: limbs like wings.
karrah.kobus: with no ship to keep me afloat.
karrah.kobus: supplies for those who intend to leave a trail.
karrah.kobus: slumping homes and jumping ship.
karrah.kobus: the trusty stallion.
karrah.kobus: the morning i heard a mermaids song.
karrah.kobus: it all falls down in time.