karohemd: Burger and Southern Fried rabbit
karohemd: Full size burger
karohemd: Rosie Sykes and Richard Holmes
karohemd: Richard Holmes
karohemd: The menu in full
karohemd: Rosie Sykes
karohemd: Rosie Sykes
karohemd: Potted crab
karohemd: Potted crab on top of sweetcorn fritters
karohemd: Deep fried baby back ribs
karohemd: Plated potted crab with sweetcorn fritters
karohemd: Pear, fennel and chicory salad, smoked almond dressing
karohemd: "Lamb Kebab"
karohemd: Lamb kebab plated
karohemd: Haunch of venison, mushrooms, parsley crumb
karohemd: Venison dish plated
karohemd: Lemon & salt squid, roasted garlic sauce
karohemd: Lemon & salt squid, roasted garlic sauce plated
karohemd: Perry jelly, ice cream, ginger florentine